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If contacted, how would your last supervisor rate your work performance compared to the other employees?
a. Superior
b. One of the best
c. The same
d. Not as good
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
On average, how many times per month were you late at your last job?
a. Never
b. 1 to 5
c. 5 to 10
d. 10 or more
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your most previous supervisor rate your eagerness to excel at work?
a. Excellent
b. Strong
c. Average
d. Less than Average
e. Poor
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever quit a job before finding another one?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
In your opinion, how many times can you be tardy in a month before receiving discipline?
a. 1 - 2
b. 3 - 4
c. 5 - 7
d. 8 - 10
e. More than 10
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
What is the shortest time you have been employed at one job?
a. Less than 6 months
b. 1 year
c. 2 years
d. Between 2 - 5 years
e. Between 6 - 10 years
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
What is the longest time you have been employed at one job?
a. Less than a year
b. 1 year
c. 2 - 3 years
d. 4 - 5 years
e. 6 or more years
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many different jobs have you had in the past 5 years?
a. 1
b. 2 - 3
c. 4 - 5
d. 6 - 8
e. 9 - 10
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
When seeking employment, what is the most important aspect?
a. How much money you will make.
b. How much you like the type of work you will be doing.
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
e. It does not matter.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Were you happy with the amount of money you made at your most recent job?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many jobs have you quit in the past 5 years.
a. None
b. 1 - 2
c. 3 - 4
d. 5 - 7
e. 8 - 10
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever received discipline for being tardy too many times?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your personal relation skills?
a. Excellent
b. Very good
c. Average
d. Needs some help
e. Needs a lot of help
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever been terminated unjustly from any previous jobs?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever received recognition for work in customer service?
a. No
b. Yes, a couple of times
c. Yes, once
d. No, I have never worked in customer service.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many times have you been fired from past jobs?
a. 1 - 2 times
b. 3 - 4 times
c. 5 - 7 times
d. 8 - 10 times
e. I have never been fired from any previous jobs.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
On average, how often did you call in sick monthly when you are not really sick?
a. I have never called in sick when I wasn't really sick.
b. Once or twice.
c. A few times
d. Not applicable- this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever been recognized for your dedication to a company?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many times have you been disciplined for violating the policies of your company such as safety procedures, company rules, or regulations?
a. 0
b. 1 - 2 times
c. 3 - 4 times
d. 5 - 10 times
e. Over 10 times
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How long did you stay with your most recent employer before leaving voluntarily?
a. I'm still employed.
b. I did not voluntarily leave my most recent employer.
c. 6 months or less
d. 1 to 2 years
e. 3 to 5 years
f. Over 5 years
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your most recent supervisor rate your drive to succeed with the company?
a. Exceedingly strong
b. Stronger than most
c. Average
d. Less than Average
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would you rate your desire to excel at your most recent job?
a. Strong
b. Average
c. I was not interested in succeeding in my last job.
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your past co-workers describe your ability to be a team player?
a. A great team player
b. An average team player
c. Preferred to work alone but could work with others
d. Only liked to work alone
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever been tardy for work?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many jobs have you left involuntarily in the past 5 years?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2 - 5
d. Over 5
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would past supervisors rate your ability to work on your own?
a. Good - a self-motivator
b. Average
c. No self-motivation when alone
d. Works better in a team environment
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your oral communication skills?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your most recent supervisor rate your written communication skills?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your ambition?
a. Very ambitious
b. Moderately ambitious
c. Average ambition
d. Showed no ambition
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many jobs have you left within 6 months of being hired?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. More than 4
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
In your opinion, what is your best attribute when it comes to work?
a. Communication
b. Understanding and following instructions
c. Teamwork
d. Leadership
e. Eagerness to do a good job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How long do you intend to stay at this job?
a. Until retirement.
b. Until I finish school.
c. As long as I am happy.
d. Probably not long.
e. I'm not sure.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
At your last job, how would your co-workers describe working with you?
a. Easy to work with.
b. Did your share of the work.
c. Kept everyone motivated.
d. Did not pull your weight.
e. Do not remember you.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your most recent supervisor rate your ability to resolve conflicts?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor, I do not like to deal with conflict
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your former supervisors describe your ability to learn new jobs?
a. Fast learner
b. Average learner
c. Slow learner
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
What was your reason for leaving your last employer?
a. I was not happy with the work.
b. The pay was too low.
c. I was laid off for lack of available work.
d. I was fired.
e. I'm still employed there.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Did you leave your last job before applying for this job?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your most recent supervisor rate your ability to keep him or her adequately informed?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Below expectations
d. Poor
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever had a complaint filed on you by another employee?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Unsure
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Has another employee gotten you in trouble with management for breaking a rule?
a. Yes
b. No
C. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever been unable to work with a certain co-worker because of personality conflicts?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your last supervisor rate you as an employee overall?
a. Best employee
b. One of the best employees
c. Good employee
d. Average
e. Not outstanding
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would you compare yourself with your most recent co-workers overall?
a. I worked the hardest.
b. I was one of the best workers.
c. About the same as the other co-workers.
d. Not as motivated as my co-workers.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many full-time jobs have you had in the past 5 years?
a. 0
b. 1 - 2
c. 3 - 4
d. 5 or more
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Do you consider yourself to be a hard worker?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Do your former co-workers consider you easy to work with?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever received a pay raise while at your former jobs?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
What is the shortest time before you got a raise after you were hired at any of your former workplaces?
a. Less than 6 months.
b. 6 months to 1-year
c. 2 - 3 years
d. 4 - 5 years
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Do you have a college degree?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Some college
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever had a verbal argument with another employee at work?
a. Yes
b. No
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would former co-workers describe your communication skills?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Not good at communication
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Do you try to do more work than is expected from you?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Not usually
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you had a problem following rules in your former places of employment?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
d. Rarely
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would you describe your comfort level with computer technology?
a. Very comfortable
b. I'm ok with computers
c. Not comfortable
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your former supervisor describe the speed at which you usually work?
a. Slow
b. Very slow
c. Fast
d. Very fast
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your former supervisor characterize your growth in overall ability and professionalism while employed?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Fair
d. Unsatisfactory
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your former supervisor rate your professional appearance in terms of grooming, cleanliness and neatness?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Fair
d. Unsatisfactory
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your former supervisor rate your ability to keep your work space orderly, clean and professional?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Fair
d. Unsatisfactory
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Did your last job require you to work with heavy equipment or machinery?
a. Yes
b. No
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Which of the following terms is closest to a description of your most recent employment?
a. Manual labor
b. Office job
c. Skilled trade
d. Sales
e. Education
f. None of the above apply.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Did your recent employment involve handling the money of the employer or a customer?
a. Yes
b. No
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your most recent supervisor describe your safety compliance?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Fair
d. Unsatisfactory
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If your past employer were contacted, which of the following terms do you believe your supervisor would pick to describe you?
a. Hard worker
b. Team player
c. Average worker
d. Prefers to work alone
e. Needs training
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Do you believe your most recent employer would hire you back if you asked?
a. Definitely yes
b. Yes, if they are hiring
c. Probably not
d. Definitely not
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Do you feel your past employment experience helped train you for a post office job?
a. Yes, my past job is very similar to the job I'm applying for.
b. No, my past job was very different.
c. Though the jobs are different, I learned life skills that will help me at the post office.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Did your past job provide you management training?
a. Yes, I learned some management skills
b. No, I was not offered management training.
c. Yes, but I declined the training.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Based on your past employment experience, which of the following is the most effective way to motivate people?
a. Regular staff meetings.
b. Be respectful and empathetic
c. Leave employees alone and let them work
d. Bonuses and promotions.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever been accused of stealing at any of your former places of employment?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If you supervised others at your past jobs, how many co-workers did you supervise at most?
a. 1
b. 2-5
c. More than 5
d. I did not supervise other co-workers.
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
At your past places of employment, did you join in any of the holiday parties or other staff events?
a. Yes, I usually go.
b. No, it's just not something I like to do.
c. Sometimes, it depends on how I feel.
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many employees worked at your last place of employment?
a. 1 - 2 people
b. 3 - 10 people
c. 11 - 20 people
d. 20 - 50 people
e. More than 50 people
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
In your last place of employment, was your work limited to one department or did you interact with more than one department?
a. My work was limited to one department
b. My responsibilities covered multiple departments.
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Did your last job include performing repetitive tasks?
a. No, my last job did not involve much repetition.
b. My last job involved some repetition.
c. Yes, I have experience performing repetitive tasks.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Did any of your former jobs include driving a commercial vehicle?
a. No.
b. I did some driving for a former employer but not in a commercial vehicle.
c. Yes, I have driven a commercial vehicle.
d. Yes, I have driven a commercial vehicle and have held a commercial driving license.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If asked, what would your last supervisor say is your best attribute?
a. Communication
b. Loyalty
c. Reliability
d. Helping others
e. Obeys rules
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Did you work outdoors in any of your previous jobs?
a. Yes
b. No
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many of your previous jobs involved work outdoors?
a. I did not work outside.
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. More than 3
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
For any jobs that required you to work outdoors, for how much time on a daily average did you work outdoors?
a. I did not work outside.
b. 1 hour
c. 2 - 4 hours
d. 5 - 8 hours
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Did any of your previous jobs involve packaging mail, posting mail or inter-company mail delivery?
a. No.
b. Yes, packaging mail
c. Yes, packaging and posting mail
d. Yes, packaging, posting and delivering mail inter-company
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you worked for any mail or package delivery companies, like UPS or Fed-Ex?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever been demoted?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many times have you received special recognition for exceeding goals at your job?
a. Once
b. 2 - 4
c. 5 - 6
d. 7 or more
e. I have not received recognition.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Have you ever been injured while employed at your former places of employment?
a. Yes, serious injury
b. Yes, minor injury
c. No
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
In your former employment, which of the following types of customer service have you done?
a. Over the phone
b. Via the internet, chat, email
c. In person
d. All of the above forms of customer service
e. I have not done customer service.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How many times have you had problems with other employees that had a negative effect on your work performance?
a. 0
b. 1 - 2
c. 3 - 5
d. 6 or more
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Approximately how long does it typically take you to become comfortable with a new job?
a. 1 - 2 days
b. 1 - 2 weeks
c. 1 month
d. A couple of months
e. More than 2 months
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your former supervisor compare you to other co-workers on learning a new operation?
a. Faster than the others
b. About the same as the others
c. A little slower than the others
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
In your former jobs, was there instances where you attempted to improve the methods and procedures as a way to achieve greater efficiency?
a. Yes
b. No
c. The methods and procedures I used could not be improved.
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your former supervisor rate your proficiency at improving methods and procedures to improve efficiency at work?
a. Excellent
b. Highly effective
c. Proficient
d. Unsatisfactory
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
In your former jobs, how would you rate yourself at meeting deadlines?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your former supervisor rate you on your ability to work under stress?
a. Very good
b. Good
c. Fair, I do not like to work under stress.
d. Poor, I do not like to work under stress
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If you had supervisor responsibilities at your most recent job, how would your supervisor rate your display of fairness to subordinates?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. I did not have supervisory responsibilities.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If you had supervisory responsibilities at your most recent job, how would your supervisor rate your ability to develop performance expectations and give feedback to subordinates?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. I did not have supervisory responsibilities.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If you had supervisory responsibilities at your most recent job, how would your supervisor rate your ability to help employees develop their skills?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. I did not have supervisory responsibilities.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
If you had supervisory responsibilities at your most recent job, how would your supervisor rate your ability to delegate authority where appropriate?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. I did not have supervisory responsibilities.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
In your last place of employment, how would your supervisor rate the quality of your work in terms of accuracy?
a. Excellent - never made errors
b. Very accurate - seldom made errors
c. Average accuracy - occasionally made errors
d. Poor - made many errors
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your most recent supervisor rate your listening skills or your ability to understand instructions and carry them out?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
How would your most recent supervisor rate your judgment or ability to make well-reasoned decisions?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Which of the following most closely aligns with how your former co-workers would rate your outlook?
a. Optimistic
b. Realistic
c. Indifferent
d. Pessimistic
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
Which of the following most closely aligns with how your former co-workers would characterize your personal manner?
a. Pleasant
b. Straightforward
c. Care free
d. Quiet
e. Loud
f. Energetic
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
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If contacted, how would your last supervisor rate your work performance compared to the other employees?
a. Superior
b. One of the best
c. The same
d. Not as good
On average, how many times per month were you late at your last job?
a. Never
b. 1 to 5
c. 5 to 10
d. 10 or more
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would your most previous supervisor rate your eagerness to excel at work?
a. Excellent
b. Strong
c. Average
d. Less than Average
e. Poor
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Have you ever quit a job before finding another one?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
In your opinion, how many times can you be tardy in a month before receiving discipline?
a. 1 - 2
b. 3 - 4
c. 5 - 7
d. 8 - 10
e. More than 10
What is the shortest time you have been employed at one job?
a. Less than 6 months
b. 1 year
c. 2 years
d. Between 2 - 5 years
e. Between 6 - 10 years
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
What is the longest time you have been employed at one job?
a. Less than a year
b. 1 year
c. 2 - 3 years
d. 4 - 5 years
e. 6 or more years
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
How many different jobs have you had in the past 5 years?
a. 1
b. 2 - 3
c. 4 - 5
d. 6 - 8
e. 9 - 10
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
When seeking employment, what is the most important aspect?
a. How much money you will make.
b. How much you like the type of work you will be doing.
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
e. It does not matter.
Were you happy with the amount of money you made at your most recent job?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
How many jobs have you quit in the past 5 years.
a. None
b. 1 - 2
c. 3 - 4
d. 5 - 7
e. 8 - 10
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Have you ever received discipline for being tardy too many times?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your personal relation skills?
a. Excellent
b. Very good
c. Average
d. Needs some help
e. Needs a lot of help
Have you ever been terminated unjustly from any previous jobs?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Have you ever received recognition for work in customer service?
a. No
b. Yes, a couple of times
c. Yes, once
d. No, I have never worked in customer service.
How many times have you been fired from past jobs?
a. 1 - 2 times
b. 3 - 4 times
c. 5 - 7 times
d. 8 - 10 times
e. I have never been fired from any previous jobs.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
On average, how often did you call in sick monthly when you are not really sick?
a. I have never called in sick when I wasn't really sick.
b. Once or twice.
c. A few times
d. Not applicable- this is my first job
Have you ever been recognized for your dedication to a company?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
How many times have you been disciplined for violating the policies of your company such as safety procedures, company rules, or regulations?
a. 0
b. 1 - 2 times
c. 3 - 4 times
d. 5 - 10 times
e. Over 10 times
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
How long did you stay with your most recent employer before leaving voluntarily?
a. I'm still employed.
b. I did not voluntarily leave my most recent employer.
c. 6 months or less
d. 1 to 2 years
e. 3 to 5 years
f. Over 5 years
How would your most recent supervisor rate your drive to succeed with the company?
a. Exceedingly strong
b. Stronger than most
c. Average
d. Less than Average
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would you rate your desire to excel at your most recent job?
a. Strong
b. Average
c. I was not interested in succeeding in my last job.
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would your past co-workers describe your ability to be a team player?
a. A great team player
b. An average team player
c. Preferred to work alone but could work with others
d. Only liked to work alone
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Have you ever been tardy for work?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
How many jobs have you left involuntarily in the past 5 years?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2 - 5
d. Over 5
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would past supervisors rate your ability to work on your own?
a. Good - a self-motivator
b. Average
c. No self-motivation when alone
d. Works better in a team environment
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your oral communication skills?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
How would your most recent supervisor rate your written communication skills?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your ambition?
a. Very ambitious
b. Moderately ambitious
c. Average ambition
d. Showed no ambition
How many jobs have you left within 6 months of being hired?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. More than 4
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
In your opinion, what is your best attribute when it comes to work?
a. Communication
b. Understanding and following instructions
c. Teamwork
d. Leadership
e. Eagerness to do a good job
How long do you intend to stay at this job?
a. Until retirement.
b. Until I finish school.
c. As long as I am happy.
d. Probably not long.
e. I'm not sure.
At your last job, how would your co-workers describe working with you?
a. Easy to work with.
b. Did your share of the work.
c. Kept everyone motivated.
d. Did not pull your weight.
e. Do not remember you.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would your most recent supervisor rate your ability to resolve conflicts?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor, I do not like to deal with conflict
How would your former supervisors describe your ability to learn new jobs?
a. Fast learner
b. Average learner
c. Slow learner
What was your reason for leaving your last employer?
a. I was not happy with the work.
b. The pay was too low.
c. I was laid off for lack of available work.
d. I was fired.
e. I'm still employed there.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Did you leave your last job before applying for this job?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would your most recent supervisor rate your ability to keep him or her adequately informed?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Below expectations
d. Poor
Have you ever had a complaint filed on you by another employee?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Unsure
Has another employee gotten you in trouble with management for breaking a rule?
a. Yes
b. No
C. Not applicable - this is my first job
Have you ever been unable to work with a certain co-worker because of personality conflicts?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would your last supervisor rate you as an employee overall?
a. Best employee
b. One of the best employees
c. Good employee
d. Average
e. Not outstanding
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would you compare yourself with your most recent co-workers overall?
a. I worked the hardest.
b. I was one of the best workers.
c. About the same as the other co-workers.
d. Not as motivated as my co-workers.
How many full-time jobs have you had in the past 5 years?
a. 0
b. 1 - 2
c. 3 - 4
d. 5 or more
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Do you consider yourself to be a hard worker?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
Do your former co-workers consider you easy to work with?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know.
Have you ever received a pay raise while at your former jobs?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
What is the shortest time before you got a raise after you were hired at any of your former workplaces?
a. Less than 6 months.
b. 6 months to 1-year
c. 2 - 3 years
d. 4 - 5 years
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Do you have a college degree?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Some college
Have you ever had a verbal argument with another employee at work?
a. Yes
b. No
How would former co-workers describe your communication skills?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Not good at communication
Do you try to do more work than is expected from you?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Not usually
Have you had a problem following rules in your former places of employment?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
d. Rarely
How would you describe your comfort level with computer technology?
a. Very comfortable
b. I'm ok with computers
c. Not comfortable
How would your former supervisor describe the speed at which you usually work?
a. Slow
b. Very slow
c. Fast
d. Very fast
How would your former supervisor characterize your growth in overall ability and professionalism while employed?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Fair
d. Unsatisfactory
How would your former supervisor rate your professional appearance in terms of grooming, cleanliness and neatness?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Fair
d. Unsatisfactory
How would your former supervisor rate your ability to keep your work space orderly, clean and professional?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Fair
d. Unsatisfactory
Did your last job require you to work with heavy equipment or machinery?
a. Yes
b. No
Which of the following terms is closest to a description of your most recent employment?
a. Manual labor
b. Office job
c. Skilled trade
d. Sales
e. Education
f. None of the above apply.
Did your recent employment involve handling the money of the employer or a customer?
a. Yes
b. No
How would your most recent supervisor describe your safety compliance?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Fair
d. Unsatisfactory
If your past employer were contacted, which of the following terms do you believe your supervisor would pick to describe you?
a. Hard worker
b. Team player
c. Average worker
d. Prefers to work alone
e. Needs training
Do you believe your most recent employer would hire you back if you asked?
a. Definitely yes
b. Yes, if they are hiring
c. Probably not
d. Definitely not
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Do you feel your past employment experience helped train you for a post office job?
a. Yes, my past job is very similar to the job I'm applying for.
b. No, my past job was very different.
c. Though the jobs are different, I learned life skills that will help me at the post office.
Did your past job provide you management training?
a. Yes, I learned some management skills
b. No, I was not offered management training.
c. Yes, but I declined the training.
Based on your past employment experience, which of the following is the most effective way to motivate people?
a. Regular staff meetings.
b. Be respectful and empathetic
c. Leave employees alone and let them work
d. Bonuses and promotions.
Have you ever been accused of stealing at any of your former places of employment?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
If you supervised others at your past jobs, how many co-workers did you supervise at most?
a. 1
b. 2-5
c. More than 5
d. I did not supervise other co-workers.
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
At your past places of employment, did you join in any of the holiday parties or other staff events?
a. Yes, I usually go.
b. No, it's just not something I like to do.
c. Sometimes, it depends on how I feel.
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
How many employees worked at your last place of employment?
a. 1 - 2 people
b. 3 - 10 people
c. 11 - 20 people
d. 20 - 50 people
e. More than 50 people
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
In your last place of employment, was your work limited to one department or did you interact with more than one department?
a. My work was limited to one department
b. My responsibilities covered multiple departments.
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Did your last job include performing repetitive tasks?
a. No, my last job did not involve much repetition.
b. My last job involved some repetition.
c. Yes, I have experience performing repetitive tasks.
Did any of your former jobs include driving a commercial vehicle?
a. No.
b. I did some driving for a former employer but not in a commercial vehicle.
c. Yes, I have driven a commercial vehicle.
d. Yes, I have driven a commercial vehicle and have held a commercial driving license.
If asked, what would your last supervisor say is your best attribute?
a. Communication
b. Loyalty
c. Reliability
d. Helping others
e. Obeys rules
Did you work outdoors in any of your previous jobs?
a. Yes
b. No
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
How many of your previous jobs involved work outdoors?
a. I did not work outside.
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. More than 3
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
For any jobs that required you to work outdoors, for how much time on a daily average did you work outdoors?
a. I did not work outside.
b. 1 hour
c. 2 - 4 hours
d. 5 - 8 hours
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Did any of your previous jobs involve packaging mail, posting mail or inter-company mail delivery?
a. No.
b. Yes, packaging mail
c. Yes, packaging and posting mail
d. Yes, packaging, posting and delivering mail inter-company
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Have you worked for any mail or package delivery companies, like UPS or Fed-Ex?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
Have you ever been demoted?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable - this is my first job
How many times have you received special recognition for exceeding goals at your job?
a. Once
b. 2 - 4
c. 5 - 6
d. 7 or more
e. I have not received recognition.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
Have you ever been injured while employed at your former places of employment?
a. Yes, serious injury
b. Yes, minor injury
c. No
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
In your former employment, which of the following types of customer service have you done?
a. Over the phone
b. Via the internet, chat, email
c. In person
d. All of the above forms of customer service
e. I have not done customer service.
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
How many times have you had problems with other employees that had a negative effect on your work performance?
a. 0
b. 1 - 2
c. 3 - 5
d. 6 or more
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
Approximately how long does it typically take you to become comfortable with a new job?
a. 1 - 2 days
b. 1 - 2 weeks
c. 1 month
d. A couple of months
e. More than 2 months
f. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would your former supervisor compare you to other co-workers on learning a new operation?
a. Faster than the others
b. About the same as the others
c. A little slower than the others
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
In your former jobs, was there instances where you attempted to improve the methods and procedures as a way to achieve greater efficiency?
a. Yes
b. No
c. The methods and procedures I used could not be improved.
d. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would your former supervisor rate your proficiency at improving methods and procedures to improve efficiency at work?
a. Excellent
b. Highly effective
c. Proficient
d. Unsatisfactory
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
In your former jobs, how would you rate yourself at meeting deadlines?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
How would your former supervisor rate you on your ability to work under stress?
a. Very good
b. Good
c. Fair, I do not like to work under stress.
d. Poor, I do not like to work under stress
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
If you had supervisor responsibilities at your most recent job, how would your supervisor rate your display of fairness to subordinates?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. I did not have supervisory responsibilities.
If you had supervisory responsibilities at your most recent job, how would your supervisor rate your ability to develop performance expectations and give feedback to subordinates?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. I did not have supervisory responsibilities.
If you had supervisory responsibilities at your most recent job, how would your supervisor rate your ability to help employees develop their skills?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. I did not have supervisory responsibilities.
If you had supervisory responsibilities at your most recent job, how would your supervisor rate your ability to delegate authority where appropriate?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. I did not have supervisory responsibilities.
In your last place of employment, how would your supervisor rate the quality of your work in terms of accuracy?
a. Excellent - never made errors
b. Very accurate - seldom made errors
c. Average accuracy - occasionally made errors
d. Poor - made many errors
e. Not applicable - this is my first job
How would your most recent supervisor rate your listening skills or your ability to understand instructions and carry them out?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
How would your most recent supervisor rate your judgment or ability to make well-reasoned decisions?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
Which of the following most closely aligns with how your former co-workers would rate your outlook?
a. Optimistic
b. Realistic
c. Indifferent
d. Pessimistic
Which of the following most closely aligns with how your former co-workers would characterize your personal manner?
a. Pleasant
b. Straightforward
c. Care free
d. Quiet
e. Loud
f. Energetic